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Bloom Guest Speaker Series: Blake Murray, CEO and Co-Founder of Divvy

As part of our mission to create 10,000 jobs around the world, we’re very intentional about the additional resources we offer our incredible workforce. One of those resources is our Guest Speaker Series, where our Bloom team members can learn from inspiring speakers in an intimate setting. 

Our latest guest speaker to speak with our team began his words to us with a powerful thought: How can faith in something bigger than ourselves not weave its way into our lives and how we operate our lives? This speaker was Blake Murray, CEO and Co-Founder of Divvy, a technology platform that helps businesses manage payment and subscriptions, build strategic budgets, and eliminate expense reports. 

Blake then shared his personal journey of founding Divvy. It began in 2016 when he was at a place in his life where he wasn’t happy. At that point he hadn’t achieved what he had hoped to achieve and he was struggling because of it. That year, during the middle of a night, he was downstairs on his knees praying desperately and he decided in his prayer to make an ask and a promise. His ask was to be blessed with a generational big idea, and he coupled it with a sincere promise to dedicate himself, his time, his resources, and his finances to serving others. A week and a half later, he woke up in the middle of the night with the idea for Divvy, even though he had zero background or knowledge in the idea’s area of financial software for small businesses. 

Fast forward five years through countless hours of hard work and faith, and Blake sold Divvy for 2.5 billion dollars. 

The lesson for Blake was clear: faith leads you to be a better person—personally and professionally. Blake then shared some words of advice with our team. They include truths like give yourself a break, try to get better everyday, cut yourself some slack, there is no substitute for hard work, and if our dreams look different than the life we’re living, get to work. Blake concluded his comments with the idea that sometimes we want everything all at once but the truth is we can’t have everything all at once. We can, though, have everything over time. 

Thank you, Blake, for taking the time to share your journey, truths learned, and your enthusiasm for life with our team. We’re grateful for all that we learned from you, and we quote here your final three lasting words you shared with us of, “Just go for it!” 

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